Thursday, February 15, 2007

Silicon or Liposuction?

C took the dress I just bought out of the paperbag and looked at me suspiciously.

"Are you sure you're wearing this?"

I looked at her guiltily. Okay fine, so it's a large, and looking at it like that, it does resemble a maternity dress.

"But... it's the last piece, and I'm desperate because there's no more time to shop for new clothes. And I did put on weight. When I put the dress on and tie the ribbons around my waist it will look better. Really!"

And that's how we started on the topic of plastic surgery and weight gain. The best quote of the night came from C:

"At least after putting on weight your boobs gets bigger. Mine doesn't! I look down and my tummy is more prominent than my boobs. I think instead of going for breast augmentation I should lose weight. Cheaper."


smudgi3 @ 11:17:00 pm | | |