Tuesday, January 01, 2008


Last year, I wrote this somewhere:

"The message window blinked on the screen. He was telling me about upping and leaving this country to somewhere foreign, somewhere far away. I was still reeling from hearing him tell me on the phone. Now, seeing it on the screen, and reading about how stifled he felt being in this small country, I couldn’t help but agree that he needed to escape these restrictive barriers and discover his potentials.

I felt the tears sting my eyes. I was just getting used to having him in my life, and just an hour after the beginning of the new year, I was going to lose him. Then, the next line that appeared on the window sent my heart across the room.

“If I land the job, come with me.”

I would be lying if I were to say I hadn’t want him to say those words. Deep inside, I knew I would want to be wherever he was. But was I ready to leave everything I have here behind?

It was an awkward moment. I could only reply with an ellipse."

Reading this brought a smile to my face. Because now, exactly a year on, I have an answer ready for him.


smudgi3 @ 3:34:00 pm | | |