Sunday, April 20, 2008

Our Elements

I stood contently on the sandy pathway that separated the two of them.

On my left, He whispered softly into my ears, promising soft, warm arms of comfort. His deep blue eyes beckoned soothingly as He reached out to kiss my feet lightly. He was open and free, and He could take me anywhere I wanted to, even as far as the eye could reach. He was friends with the most resourceful; those who prospered above Him and below Him respected Him for His magnanimity and flexibility. He represented everything I wanted to be.

On my right, She cut a striking figure. Shy, unassuming and quiet, She spoke nothing of what She could offer me. But even from where She stood, I could smell Her alluring scent. Her luscious green raiment accentuated Her curves, yet revealed only a little of what I knew She was capable of. She was always shrouded by a mist of mystery; an aura floated around Her, enhancing her quiet elegance and strength. She represented everything I knew was inside me.

So I took a deep breath, smiled a goodbye at Oceanus, and turned towards Ourea.

"I've always been drawn to the sea," he says, noticing my fascination with the mountain in front of us. "And I've always felt at one with the mountains," I replied. And so he'll always be a child of Water, and I, of Earth.

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