Thursday, June 08, 2006

As busy as the March Hare in Alice In Wonderland

I've been so so busy recently. With the exams out of the way (for now), I've been waking up early for work, and sleeping late in the nights. I hardly have time to think about anything else - in my mind it's simply 1. work, 2. Bangkok, and 3. leveling up my character on Maple , in no particular order.

I'm back at work again, after 2 weeks of even more tedious brainwork. Just before I could settle in, my boss is off for another holiday. I can almost feel the stresses of last month's project raining heavily onto my shoulders again. But never mind, first things first, because...

J and I are going to Bangkok tomorrow! This trip is gonna be special. Not only is it gonna be our 112th anniversary, it's also a 'special mission' trip. Shhh... I'm not telling!! The weekend also happens to the 60th anniversary of King Bhumibol's ascension to the throne. There's gonna be fireworks and celebrations... can't wait! I'm not so keen on the traffic delays though. Oh well, I'm just extremely happy to be away on a trip. If things go well, then great. If things don't work out, then we'll just take a leisurely holiday. Ho ho ho, I feel so secretive!

To relieve some stress and mindblock during the exam, I sought refuge with Maple Story again. To outsiders, this 2D role playing game seems childish and uninteresting - I mean, my 9 year old cousin plays it! But us Maplers know, sometimes the hard way, that becoming a powerful character isn't as easy as it seems. Lots of strategic analysis and human relation skills comes into play (pun unintended), and the higher level you are, it gets harder and harder to achieve the goals of the game. The characters are also cute, and if you are willing, you can spend money dressing them up or making them look really powerful eventhough you're not. Only in MapleSEA can characters couple up and become online partners, and eventually get married. Last week, I spent some money changing my default hairstyle to brown flowing locks and blond streaks... and I got 3 proposals in one night! Sigh. If only Maple World was the real world, and the population in there weren't 10 to 15 year olds.


smudgi3 @ 11:41:00 am | | |