Friday, June 02, 2006

The agonizing wait begins.

Don't ask me how my papers were.

I don't know how to answer you. I don't know how anyone could pass 3 papers after only studying for 1 week. Hell, I didn't even pass it when I took the entire year to study it. These past 2 weeks have been real tiring, and it's a part of my life I don't want to remember. Of course, this stress is the kind that only I can inflict on myself. It works from the inside out, gnawing at a stomach full of regret, clogging a heart full of disappointment, and drawing blood full of rage. Then it attacks my self esteem, my confidence, and finally, my willpower.

So don't ask me how my papers were. I don't want to relive all that pain. Just pretend these 2 weeks never happened at all.


smudgi3 @ 4:17:00 am | | |