Tuesday, January 17, 2006

I can hear your face.

No, nothing's wrong with my grammar.

I find that people tend to overlook this very important tool in the service industry - the telephone. It's being used everyday for business purposes, and it would most probably be the first contact both parties have with each other. And yet, there are people who hide behind the supposed anonymity of the phone and display totally rude and disgusting ettiquette.

I hate having to make phonecalls to strangers, but it is unfortunately a very big aspect of my job. Everyday, I get faced with numerous suppliers and even clients who behave as if I owe them my life savings and am taking forever to repay them. Remember, you're speaking WITH me, not TO me. Don't use that kind of tone. I can almost imagine the unpleasant scowl on your already ugly face. Yes, I know you have a lot of work to do. Well, I'm doing mine, alright? Gimme a break.

I saw at a Cold Storage supermarket that each cashier has a sticker on the register that says :"1. Smile. 2. Greet customer..." I also once peeped over a hotel counter and saw a note that said "Smile: Thank you for calling XX Hotel, my name is XXX, how may I help you?" stuck on the telephone. It needs to be reminded, but it works.

Once in a purple moon, my heart skips with hope when I hear a cheerful voice over the phone. Wherever or not she was in the midst of having an inside joke with her colleagues, I don't know. But after having to make several fruitless calls to source for suppliers, a cheeky greeting and a helpful tone sure made my day. I made sure I called her everytime we need the goods. The others can just fuck off.

You don't need to be in the service line to know this.


smudgi3 @ 4:51:00 pm | | |