Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Excess Baggage

On Tuesday, I donated a large bag of clothes and half of the huge number of soft toys I have to the Salvation Army. Those were clothes I haven't worn for more than a year. To put quite it frankly, I was throwing, not giving them away. But it's convenient, isn't it? To be able to dispose of unwanted items and then treat it as an act of benevolence.

Is it just me or does everyone have trouble throwing out stuff? I admit I'm quite a hoarder, I find it a pity to throw away things. Paper bags from travels, unused gifts, old collectibles, sometimes even receipts. Every spring-cleaning season, I grab those large shopping centre sales plastic bags and dump as much as I can into them without choking on my memories. Think about it, every single item has a story attached to it.

So as you can see, I have alot of unwanted baggage. Don't you?


smudgi3 @ 11:48:00 pm | | |