Thursday, October 06, 2005

World Toilet Day is on Nov 19th.

I can't decide whether I prefer my manicurist to be chatty and full of gossip, or sullen and doesn't speak a word except for "Next hand" (as if I have many other hands).

The first time I wanted a professional manicure I went to Tampines Mall. The young girl who attended to me was nosy, superficial and had bad breath. I couldn't wait to get away from there. Recently, I tried another nail place at Century Square and the girl who attended to me was blackfaced, unfriendly and didn't even try to make small talk. I spent the hour dreaming away, interrupted only by her "Next hand".

Both did equally bad French manicures. J examined my hands closely (as always) and the verdict was that the times I painted the nails myself it looked better.

Speaking of Cantury Square, have you been to their second floor, called Exclusively Hers, that's entirely dedicated to the ladies? You must go, even if it's only to use the washroom. They have mirrors everywhere, no need to squeeze yourself beside an extra large lady plucking her nosehair. They have comfortable sofa in the corner so that you can sit and wait for your friend who's doing a Number 2. And here's the clincher : There's a long table in the middle of the large spacious washroom, with individual high chairs, mirrors and tissue holders for those who take a long time to touch up their make up. So cool!

That's a first in SG shopping malls, so I think every shopping mall should catch on soon. You know, at least the Restroom Association Singapore would have something nice to look at too.


smudgi3 @ 11:41:00 pm | | |