Tuesday, September 27, 2005


Please excuse me while I mop up the vomit and blood I sprayed onto my screen as I was playing the games from here . First of all, you can play the universal 'Scissors-Paper-Stone' game with the little human on the right hand corner. (My best is 6 so far!) You'll see him again when you play Grow Cube.

I mentioned before that I'm an obsessive freak when it comes to point-n-click games like
Takagi's 'Escape from the room' series. At least the games of EyeMaze's are cute.

Worth recommending are the Grow Cube and
Grow RPG. It works for anal retentive people, because for these games, you have to click on the correct items in the correct order so that the animation would 'grow' successfully. The idea is to max out the levels of each item. Argh, it's really hard to explain, but once you've failed a few times you'll get the picture.

Have fun (banging your head on the keyboard).


smudgi3 @ 3:50:00 pm | | |