Friday, October 14, 2005

What other superstitions?

I was looking at some photos my friends put up in Friendster when all sorts of emotions came as a wave and washed all over me.

The guy used to like me in secondary school, but it didn't work out, so I introduced him to one of my friends. She didn't like him at first, but the guy was quite persistent, because she's quite a catch and they go to the same church, so he got her in the end. They were together for 10 years before a third party slithered into the picture. In those 10 years they endured a major car accident, death of family members, huge quarrels... So when I heard about the third party, I wished in my heart that the guy didn't give up on the relationship. He didn't, and they were married a year later. Now their friendster profiles are filled with photos of their baby and loving testimonials from their close friends.


Nah. All I did was introduce them. In some wicked twist of fate my friendship with both of them ceased to exist. I do still say hi to the guy whenever I see him, and when circumstances arrive, the girl and I still talk like friends. But if we were to meet each other on the streets, it's a case of who-sees-who-first-and-crosses-the-street-first. I wasn't invited to thier wedding nor their baby's christening (but on hindsight I did save some money that way). I don't know why this happened, but friendships were frivolous in your teens. I can't remember (ok, I can) how many best friends I had that turned into strangers, but of course I still keep in contact with the strangers who turned into close friends.

Someone once complimented me on a earring I was wearing and I told her a friend bought it for me a long time ago. She asked me if I gave my friend back 20 cents. I asked why and she said that if I didn't 'repay' my friend for her kindness, our friendship would suffer. I said I didn't believe in such things, but she asked if my friendship with this friend was still strong. I had to admit that we lost contact. That person then gave me a triumphant look.


(R next time we meet remind me to give you 20 cents hor, you gave me a pair of earrings for my birthday.)


smudgi3 @ 11:53:00 pm | | |