Tuesday, September 14, 2004

Complain Complain Complain

Less than a month ago, I was swinging. No I wasn't having sex with strangers. What I meant was that I was sleeping late, waking up late, partying without a care for the next morning, gloating over how carefree I am.

Now I still have late nights, but I'm waking up early too, have qualms about clubbing because I have classes the next morning, pouting over how sad my life is.

Suddenly I'm yawning 10 times an hour, suddenly I'm spending more time outside than at home, suddenly I'm going to school more than twice a week.

I have 10 classes a week, that's 4 days a week, that's 15 hours a week. 15 hours doing something I absolutely abhor. Argh! And I'm not even paid to do it. In fact, I have to pay my (mum's) pickets dry to get a chance to do it. All for a piece of white, laminated paper at the end of these years of torture.

I know. Many people must be saying or have said that I don't realise how fortunate I am to be studying instead of working my ass off. Of course I know that. Don't forget that one day I'll go back to the working society. Then it'll be a different kind of complaint post altogether. I'm just grumbling over my 'misfortunes' since everyone's doing it nowadays.

smudgi3 @ 1:45:00 pm | | |