Tuesday, October 23, 2007

The Farewell.

After the rain last night, the sky was gorgeous this morning. Light blue sky and soft, wispy clouds; it was as if my world was turned upside down, with skies as beautiful as the sea, and clouds as playful as the froth from the waves hitting the shores.

The Airport Limousine Bus took a different route today. I was pleasantly surprised when I jerked awake in my seat to see the spectacularly red Tower right outside my window. Then 10 minutes after, the bus drove leisurely on the expressway parallel to the Rainbow Bridge leading to Odaiba.

I was leaving Tokyo, a place that welcomed me with a warm embrace despite the refreshing cool weather. But unfortunately, with that 40% of me that is reluctant to leave, the other 60% is relieved to go back. Back to a place I feel I don't belong.

Written 20 Oct 2007


smudgi3 @ 11:09:00 pm | | |