Friday, June 01, 2007

Of books.

We arranged to meet at the bookstore. Because he arrived earlier than I did, I sent him an sms to ask him where he was. "I'm in the queue at the cashier in the front", he replied. When I found him, I asked him why he did not wait for me so we could make our purchases together. As his answer, he held out the purchase he had just made. "I bought you something. When I saw it, I knew I had to get it for you. You'll like it." And he was right, as always.

I smiled when I saw the title. And my smile grew wider as I flipped through the pages of A Year in Japan. Captivated by the raw, yet colourful and detailed illustrations, and intrigued by the honest and conversational entries, I flipped back to the front of the page and started reading. "Not now!" he teased, obviously delighted about my excitement.

Another prized possession.

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