Monday, October 23, 2006

ö Non sequiturs - ichi

Why do people pronounce Wasabi as Wasabeh, eventhough when asked, they can spelled it correctly?


Why do people order expensive sashimi, only to slather them in lots of soy sauce and wasabi?

Why do I pout when I'm shooting pool, when in normal circumstances, I can't pout to save my life?


Why do parents like bringing their children in their prams out to crowded places when everyone is going to get in their way and vice versa?


Why is it right for customers to tell a service staff off for bad attitude but not for the staff to tell the customers off for bad manners?


Why don't men give way to or open doors for women anymore when at other times, they're more than eager to prove their manliness?


Why don't people say 'thank you' to strangers who've gone out of their way to do something for them, when they use it freely around their close friends?


Why am I not finding the words when I obviously have alot of things to say?


smudgi3 @ 4:43:00 pm | | |