Tuesday, June 28, 2005

My first time to ThaWu Bar, and it's on a Monday.

What started as a boring day, ended in a, well, boring way. It was kinda fun towards the end though.

Was about to go home with J after work when the boss called to ask us to accompany her for dinner with friends. Not the kind to miss out on free food, we went along. The fun part was that we were having dinner with 2 Japanese girls.

Knowing how fascinated we are with the Japanese, we had a lot of fun fake-laughing, gesturing, practicing whatever little Japanese we know (J has a major case of sorethroat), and eating delicious food at CHIJMES. Coincidently, one of the girls (from Saitama) works at Tokyo Disneyland. When told that one of my dream jobs was to work there, she said enthusiastically that they were looking for an assistant for Cinderella. As if it were that easy. That really made me wanna buck up and hurry up with my Japanese classes. But I have no money!$!

The other girl from Tokyo was a little more trendy, and loves to dance. So she was looking forward to China Jump. But by the time we were done with our dinner, there was a live band playing a set in Jump. So we decided to move the party to MS. As expected, it was like a ghost town with many many taxis. So lazy, those drivers! Don't you think they'd have better luck prowling the streets? Anyway, we ambled into ThaWu, which was the first one that caught the eye. Empty, but great music.

After embarrassing ourselves on the dancefloor, I quietly slipped away from the boss's shyless Japanese husband (imagine showing off his martial arts skills on the dancefloor... to R&B) but they all followed anyway. Then they spent the rest of the night playing pool while I sat down and shivered at all the good music going to waste.

Sigh. I think it's a sign. I should do something about my Japanese soon.


smudgi3 @ 1:07:00 pm | | |