Friday, December 17, 2004

There we go again..

My grandma always makes me cry.

After her recent false alarm (real drama. ICU and all), she has taken to talking about her death. She says she has not much time left and that if she ever has to go through the pain again, she'd rather just die. It wasn't the pain of the illness she had. It was the needles, blood tests, tubes... You know how those Taiwan soap actresses manage to tear at the sound of Action? Yeah I can do that too. I just have to recall being at the ICU room, with my grandma lying pale in bed, with more than 10 tubes sticking out of her nose, her mouth, her left wrist, right wrist.....

So she says that before she dies she wants to be able to carry her first great-grandchild. That's my child. You see, the problem is I've barely reached a quarter of a century, and no, Jay Chou isn't ready for marriage either. Of course I'm not gonna break her heart and say I do have a partner and even if we do marry we won't have children no matter how fertile we both are. @@ So I tell her I haven't found a rich man yet. And then I start glazing over even before she starts her one-a-visit speech.

"No no no... what's the use of having so much money? Rich men take their dads' money and spend it on everyone else. Just find a man who loves you and is pleasant looking enough. Even if he's poor, he'll work hard because he loves you. This type of man will be able to look after the family well. Rich men are all Casanovas. You may have all the money in the world, but you have no love. A poor man who loves you is worth much more. You both can work hard together and grow together. This is what a marriage is about."

While she was having this soliloquy, I chuckled to myself. Maybe she doesn't realise it, but she was basically describing her son. Poor, loves his family, hardworking... Yep. That's my dad alright.

smudgi3 @ 1:49:00 pm | | |