Friday, December 03, 2004

Hurray Expressways!

Yesterday, I realised just how small my country is.

I travelled from one end (west) to the other (east), on a jerky bus, in about 1 and a half hours. Cramped legs and numb butt notwithstanding, it was a nauseating but eye-opening trip. I've never thought about it this way before. I always assumed that it was because our infrastructure was excellent. I mean, it still is, but there's no denying the fact that, SG is really tiny.

How I love it.

Politics aside, I think we have much to be proud about. Oh yes, there's a little problem about our lack of entertainment. Maybe it's the government's ingenous way of encouraging couples to stay home and make babies.

smudgi3 @ 1:09:00 pm | | |