Saturday, March 18, 2006

And I thought we were backward.

I don't like game arcades much. I think they're rowdy, seedy and smelly. But one game got me hooked years ago : House of the Dead. There's just something strangely petrifying yet satisfying shooting at half-dead monsters. I guess it's because it has a mysterious plot and seemingly neverending stages. Well, that was when a game costs 50 cents.

When I was in Tokyo, I saw House of the Dead 4. I almost screamed in protest : Why didn't we have that back home?!!! Until I came back and have my brother tell me that we do indeed have it at some large game arcades in Singapore. Whoops. I forgot how wide our nerdy gaming network is. I told J that I needed to get down to the arcade and blast some Living Deads. When we got our asses down to PS, we realised how popular the game was herealready. Extra large screens places at the entrances, hordes of people standing around watching - not a chance we'll get to play. Especially when those boys toting the guns managed to breeze through the stages with their eyes half closed... the last thing I'd do is be the only girl holding the huge gun, and getting killed midway through stage 1. I was just contented standing there watching along with the crowd, eyes and mouth wide open. Hey, nerds can be cool too, you know. Watching the game made my fingers all itchy, so we settled on playing House of the Dead 3 instead.

Of course, I checked out the UFO Catchers too. Oh how pathetic! The Japanese had it right by packing loads of expensive looking and popular toys into the machines and purposely arranging a few very close to the exit of the machine to entice people to part with their hard-earned money. The ones here have deformed looking dolls scattered scantily about the machine. Who would want to waste their money on mission impossible?

We ended the day by watching Failure to Launch. It's just that we missed Carrie after STC ended, and just as I had expected, it's Carrie Bradshaw all over again on the big screen. It's quite a goofy show, one I don't usually watch, but it managed to make me laugh heartily and chased the blues away. Well worth a watch with the girlfriend.

Nothing like a profanities-hurling game and a chick flick to help you forget your troubles.


smudgi3 @ 11:59:00 pm | | |