Monday, September 12, 2005

Who got you into such fury?

I wouldn't have minded if it rained like that everyday for a few hours. Minus the 'too-close-for-comfort' thunder and lightning. It's frightening.

I appreciated the cool weather and the calm after the storm. Afterall, this is nothing compared to Katrina. A little discomfort with the wet clothes and the soaked slippers, yes, but I could finally wear the sweaters I have abandoned in my wardrobe.

Maybe it's because I'm a Virgo, which is an Earth sign, that's why I embrace Rain. Yes I complained about it when I was preparing to go out. Who likes going out in such weather? I could have stayed in, ordered some comfort food (yum pizza!) and just watched the drops spreading out on the tiled balcony. But I'm no novelist.


smudgi3 @ 6:35:00 pm | | |