Tuesday, March 08, 2005

You decide how she dies.

I'm feeling particularly sadistic today.

Maybe it's because I looked at my bank account and realised that I shouldn't have done all that spending yesterday. Supposed to be buying a gift for a friend but I ended up eating at Sakae Sushi and buying identical bags for J and myself (buy 1 get 1 free leh, how to resist?). And I still have to lend my bro some money. He said he needed to pay for his next bike practical. WTF?! He had asked for money to pay for his bike registration and I refused. Then he asked for money to buy a helmet and I refused. Just wouldn't take no for an answer.

So for feeling sick that I'm such a pushover when it comes to contributing to the economy even before I can afford it, I want to see someone DIE. And DIE UGLY.


smudgi3 @ 2:18:00 pm | | |