Friday, August 27, 2004

'I Believe' some people wait a lifetime for 'A Moment Like this'

For a few months recently, the hippest greeting among friends I meet on the street was "Eh, got join Singapore Idol not?" It's becoming an obsession now that it's on air. I even get my bro to record it for me every thursday. I've never asked anyone to tape anything for me, ever. There're 2 reasons why I wanna torture myself every week by watching it. One, to shake my head and feel embarassed for those who managed to 'smoke' their way into the competition, and to convince myself that I wasn't good enough to join.

Let's see. First of all, I can count, with my fingers, toes and imaginary limbs how many contestants got in mainly because of their good looks. I have to admit that I find David De Cruz really good looking, but come on la, the singing was (makes dead eyes and sticks out tongue). But then again if I was a female equivalent of his looks I wouldn't mind standing on stage and having 3 men and 1 woman tell me I'm good looking in front of national tv. But alas, I have what you call, forgetable looks - not even sweet + pretty, which to Dick equals to Dull. So poor thing that girl. Cannot sing, never mind. Say sweet and pretty very good. But then Dick had to add the word Dull. My bet is that if Ken had to turn one of them 10 into a popular taiwanese singer, Imelda's the only one with the looks.

Next, I'd like to think that my voice is good enough to gain admiration from some. I mean of course, some people, like Olinda, have fantastic vocals. My voice has mood swings. On some days, I can sound so perfect. On others, i sound so bad I want to punch myself. That's why I act nonchalant about not wanting to join SI. In actual fact, I didn't have the guts, and I know my vocals are not consistent enough. Why do people enjoy singing in the bathroom so much? It is a well known fact that the 'vacuum-ness' of the bathroom allows a person's voice to sound very clear and powerful. So now you know. Next time just hold your own concert in the bathroom next time. I do it all the time and it's a great confidence booster. And an ego delude-r.

Lastly, I don't have enough friends to vote for me. LOL. I know that sounds sad at this point, but in another context, not having too many friends can be a good thing.

I really admire those who went for the auditions. Or maybe they didn't know what they were getting themselves into. As for Mr'Lemon Tree' and Mr'Careless Whisper, ditch your friends. They haven't been really honest with you.

smudgi3 @ 3:27:00 pm | | |